§ 331-70. C-1M General Commercial Modified District.  

Latest version.
  • See §§ 331-28C(1) and 331-46 through 331-54.
    Dimensional requirements.
    The maximum building height shall be two stories or 30 feet.
    The maximum permitted floor area ratio (FAR) shall be 1.0.
    Screening and buffering yard setbacks: zero feet for front, side and rear yards. In addition to the minimum yard requirements set forth in § 331-45, any application to construct a building or structure within the C-1M District, shall provide for landscaping and screening along all streets and property lines in accordance with § 331-119B of this chapter, except at points of ingress and egress. In addition to the requirements of § 331-119B, an evergreen hedge shall be provided along the street frontage portion of a lot, the height of which shall be no less than two nor more than three feet. When abutting a residential property or district, a fifteen-foot wide landscape buffer will be required along the side and rear yards.
    Off-street parking and loading requirements. Refer to Article XIV of this chapter.
Amended 5-21-2003 by Ord. No. 106-2003