§ 331-119. Submissions required for approval.  

Latest version.
  • The following documents shall be submitted to the Board for site plan approval:
    Site plan requirements. Site plan, legibly drawn in and reproduced in sheets not exceeding 30 inches by 40 inches, at a scale not smaller than 20 feet to the inch shall be submitted a minimum of 16 days prior to the meeting. A long form environmental assessment form (EAF) or draft environmental impact statement shall accompany the plans. The plans shall include the following:
    Proposed project name, date, North point, scale, name and address of owner, developer, engineer, architect and site planner (including seal of professional preparing site plan), tax block and lot number or numbers and name of the City and county in which the site is located.
    A vicinity map, at a scale not less than 100 feet to an inch, showing tax lot lines and the buildings on each of the contiguous lots.
    Boundaries of the property; easements; watercourses; marshes; flood zones; rock outcrops; wooded areas, single trees, with species identified, having a diameter of eight inches or more, measured at 54 inches above grade, topographic conditions and elevations; and other significant existing features on or within 100 feet of the property to be developed.
    Existing and proposed contours at intervals of two feet or less, referred to a datum specified by the City Engineer; basement and first floor elevations; curb elevations at street intersections and at all building entrances; existing and proposed grade differentials and treatment thereof at all property lines. If necessary for clarity, the Board can suggest a grading plan shall be submitted as a separate drawing.
    Adjacent roadways and sidewalks, including the location, width, and finished grades of proposed public and private streets, ways, roads, and sidewalks, along with pavement type and profiles.
    The location, size and design of all existing and proposed water mains, sanitary sewerage lines, valves, hydrants and storm drainage systems or other such utility facilities, including connections to any existing such facilities. A drainage report prepared by a licensed professional civil engineer who designed the drainage system and supervised soil percolation tests shall also be submitted for site plans involving dry wells, bio-filter retention basins, and other drainage facilities that utilize on-site retention or detention systems. The report shall meet the requirements of the NYS DEC General Permit for stormwater discharge, particularly if site disturbance is one acre or greater in area. An engineering report prepared by a licensed professional engineer demonstrating that the existing sanitary and water supply systems have capacity to accommodate the project demands shall be submitted.
    Location, dimensions and entrances of all proposed buildings on the site and any existing structures to remain.
    Location and dimensions of driveways, pedestrian walkways, exterior and interior parking and loading spaces and play areas.
    Location and dimensions of all yards and courts and distances between buildings at the points where they come closest to one another.
    Location and types of retaining walls, guardrails and other protective features.
    Zoning districts within and adjacent to the site.
    Preliminary architectural plans showing at least three different exterior facade elevations of the proposed building, with such architectural plan showing in detail specifications of materials and colors to be used on the exterior facade elevations, at a scale of no less than 1/8 inch to one foot, in a format acceptable to the Department of Development.
    An analysis, with photographs, demonstrating that the proposed construction is harmonious and compatible architecturally with the neighborhood.
    The location, design and proposed screening of outdoor storage areas, including proposed provisions for storage and refuse collection, electric and communications equipment and all planned structures, including outdoor electric generators and fuel storage tanks.
    A description of measures planned to assure proper erosion and sedimentation control, both during and after construction, with reference to Westchester County's Best Management Practices Manual for Construction Related Activities, Standards and Specifications. A plan showing the phasing of construction, limits of site disturbance, construction access and storing of material and equipment shall be provided at a scale of no less than one inch equals 100 feet.
    Location, type, and size of all security grilles or similar security grates or devices, and the type and hours of operation of internal lighting security, after close of business, if applicable.
    Landscape plan, including the following:
    A title block with the name of the project, name of person preparing the plan, a scale, North arrow, and date;
    A tree survey by a licensed land surveyor, architect, landscape architect, or engineer showing the species and number of all existing trees with a caliper of eight inches or greater and measured 54 inches above grade, within 20 feet of the area proposed to be disturbed by the project, including disturbances related to grade changes and changes in drainage, and any other eight-inch-diameter tree(s) outside the aforementioned area, which are proposed to be removed;
    All existing and proposed structures on site;
    Existing vegetation, including trees, to be saved;
    Methods and details for protecting existing vegetation, including trees, during construction;
    Plant lists or schedules with the botanical and common name, quantity, spacing and size of all required and proposed vegetation, including trees;
    Locations and description of other landscape improvements, such as earth berms, walls, fences, screen, sculptures, fountains; and
    Planting and installation details as necessary to ensure conformance with all required standards.
    Editor's Note: This ordinance stated that it shall apply to all site plan and Major Subdivision applications which have not been subject to public hearing before the Planning Board prior to its adoption.
    Contributions required for sewer inflow/infiltration mitigation for applications filed outside of the Downtown Overlay Zone shall be determined by the Department of Public Works based upon additional inflow as set forth in the calculations below.
    [Added 12-13-2016 by Ord. No. 272-2016]
    100 gallons per day (GPD) per person (PP) x 3 = Total GPD
    Editor's Note: Former Subsection B, Landscaping, was removed from this section 4-20-2004 by Ord. No. 90-2004. See now § 331-119.1, Landscaping requirements for multifamily, nonresidential and mixed-use zoning districts.
    Any additional data the Board reasonably determines necessary for its proper consideration of the site plan.
Amended 5-21-2003 by Ord. No. 106-2003; 4-20-2004 by Ord. No. 90-2004; 11-21-2006 by Ord. No. 259-2006