§ 331-113.5. Attached dwelling units in RMF-zoned districts.  

Latest version.
  • The Planning Board shall approve a special permit for Attached Dwelling Units, where allowed as special permit uses in RMF-zoned districts, provided that the following standards and conditions are met:
    The Attached Dwelling Units closest to the front yard shall be designed and built so that the principal front entry to such Attached Dwelling Units shall face the street adjacent to the front yard.
    The Attached Dwelling Units shall be designed and built so that the principal front entry to any dwelling shall not be higher than four feet above final grade at the point of entry, and where feasible and in accordance with § 331-117.1, the Attached Dwelling Units shall have the appearance of a single residence.
    [Amended 10-16-2008 by Ord. No. 207-2008]
    The Attached Dwelling Unit, if it has a rear or side exit, balcony, patio, porch, deck, or similar outdoor recreation area adjacent to a side or rear yard, shall be set back from the side and/or rear property line by a minimum of 30 feet. If the Attached Dwelling Unit has no exits, balconies, patios, porches, decks, or similar outdoor recreation area adjacent to a side yard, the minimum side yard setback shall be eight feet with a minimum combined yard of 20 feet for all RMF-zoned districts where Attached Dwelling Units are permitted.
    Notwithstanding the requirements contained in the Schedule of Dimensional Regulations for Residence Districts, the minimum Lot Area Per Dwelling Unit for Attached Dwelling Units shall be 3,500 square feet per unit for the first two units and 3,500 square feet for each additional unit in the RMF-0.4-, RMF-0.5- and RMF-0.7-zoned districts and the maximum amount of Impervious Surface Coverage permitted shall be 60%. The minimum Lot Area Per Dwelling Unit for Attached Dwelling Units shall be 3,500 square feet per unit for the first two units and 2,500 square feet for each additional unit in the RMF-1.0-, RMF-1.3- and RMF-2.0-zoned districts, and the maximum amount of Impervious Surface Coverage permitted shall be 65%. In all of the RMF-zoned districts where attached dwelling units are permitted, the maximum height of the building containing such Attached Dwelling Units shall be 35 feet.
    Editor's Note: Said schedule is included at the end of this chapter.
    The minimum distance between buildings on the same lot shall be as required in § 331-13D.
    The Attached Dwelling Units shall be architecturally compatible in form, massing and exterior facade with the immediate area and the neighborhood area surrounding the site and shall be subject to Architectural Review of Site Plans by Licensed Professional Architects, in accordance with § 331-117.1.
    Any access to an attic, when such attic is unimproved and excluded from floor area calculations, shall be made through a pull-down staircase.
    If required by the Planning Board, the applicant shall submit a report from a New York State licensed traffic engineer with respect to any projected traffic and/or parking impacts on the surrounding neighborhood, and the Planning Board may hire its own traffic engineer to review the report submitted by the applicant at the applicant's sole expense.
    Notwithstanding the Special Permit Use limitations contained in the RMF Residential Districts, which limitations restrict the number of dwellings to two Attached Dwelling Units in a building, if, in the opinion of the Planning Board, the configuration or topography of the site would make it difficult or impossible to design all buildings with no more than two Attached Dwelling Units in that building, the Planning Board may waive the restriction of two Attached Dwelling Units. However, the Planning Board shall not grant such a waiver unless the development fully complies with all other applicable zoning requirements, and the Planning Board shall not permit any more than three Attached Dwelling Units in a building.
Added 11-21-2006 by Ord. No. 257-2006