§ 331-102. Motor vehicle dealership.  

Latest version.
  • The Planning Board shall approve a special permit for a motor vehicle dealership, provided the following conditions are met:
    The minimum lot frontage along a public street shall be 150 feet with a lot depth of no less than 100 feet, and the minimum lot area shall be 1/2 acre, or four acres in the C-1M General Commercial Modified Zone.
    [Amended 1-16-2018 by Ord. No. 14-2018]
    Landscaping, screening and buffer areas shall be provided in accordance with the more stringent of the two following sections: §§ 331-119.1B and 331-130 of this chapter.
    [Amended 4-17-2014 by Ord. No. 69-2014]
    Parking shall be provided in accordance with Article XIV of this chapter.
    All exterior lighting shall be designed and oriented so as to minimize the visual impact upon adjacent and nearby residential properties. The Planning Board shall determine what time exterior lights shall be dimmed and/or turned off for the night. A photometric plan shall be submitted for review by the Building Official.
    [Amended 4-17-2014 by Ord. No. 69-2014]
    The hours of operation shall be limited to 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
    No exterior public address system shall be permitted.
    No exterior display of banners, pennants, ribbons, or other similar temporary advertising materials shall be permitted in any outdoor sales area.
    Employee parking provided on site as required by Article XIV of this chapter shall be designated by signage indicating "This space is reserved for employees." Parking areas designated for employees shall not be used for vehicle storage, repair or finishing work, display or customer parking.
    [Added 4-17-2014 by Ord. No. 69-2014]
    The required customer parking shall be designated by signage indicating "This space is reserved for customers." Parking areas designated for customers shall not be used for vehicle storage, repair or finishing work, display or employee parking.
    [Added 4-17-2014 by Ord. No. 69-2014]
    For new construction, all vehicle storage and the bulk of the required parking, save for any required customer parking, shall be located in the rear of the building and shall be screened from abutting properties and the street, as allowable by the Code. Customer parking shall be located as close to the front entrance as permitted by the site restrictions and this Code.
    [Added 4-17-2014 by Ord. No. 69-2014]
    Landscaping and buffers.
    [Added 4-17-2014 by Ord. No. 69-2014]
    All parking and vehicle storage shall be screened from the street and from the abutting properties. All site and perimeter landscaping required by §§ 331-119.1 and/or 331-130 shall be native, noninvasive species, drought resistant, and shall be planted to a minimum height of 36 inches. In addition to any required landscaping pursuant to §§ 331-119.1 and/or 331-130, the dealership shall design and construct a second landscape buffer strip set back from the interior edge of the required perimeter landscaping an appropriate distance to accommodate up to two rows of cars. This second landscape buffer strip shall be a minimum of eight feet in width and shall be planted with densely spaced evergreen plantings a minimum of 36 inches tall. The area between the two landscape buffer strips shall be able to park up to two rows of cars given the typography of the site. The intent of the two buffer strips is to provide an outdoor showroom to display vehicles for sale. This landscaping requirement shall be counted towards any requisite interior landscaping that may be required by §§ 331-119.1 and/or 331-130.
    When the lot is less than an acre in size and the applicant cannot accommodate the second landscape buffer at the site, then the required perimeter landscape buffer strip shall be a minimum of 10 feet in width and shall be planted with evergreen plantings a minimum of 36 inches tall so as to tightly screen the site from the street. This landscaping requirement shall be counted towards any interior landscaping that may be required by §§ 331-119.1 and/or 331-130.
    If the lot shall have two frontages, the aforementioned shall apply to only one frontage and the Building Official shall determine which frontage shall comply with this section.
    If the applicant believes that the typography and site constraints limit his/her ability to comply with § 331-102K, either partially and/or in its entirety, the applicant shall request a waiver from the Planning Board for the additional buffer; however, the applicant shall comply with any and all landscaping required by §§ 331-119.1 and/or 331-130, including any interior islands.
    The building design shall address and relate to the scale, massing, setbacks and materials in relationship to neighboring properties and the neighborhood in general. The proposal shall be reviewed by the Peer Architectural Review Committee.
    [Added 4-17-2014 by Ord. No. 69-2014]
    The hours of loading and unloading of vehicles shall be determined by the Planning Board. All loading and unloading shall occur on the subject site and not in or on the public right-of-way. Except in the C-1M Zone, if the site is unable to accommodate the loading and unloading on site due to site constraints and/or the size of the lot, the applicant shall request that the City's Traffic Engineer evaluate the feasibility of the installation of a loading zone within 250 feet of the subject site. In making such a determination, the Traffic Engineer shall consider the traffic impact to any abutting residentially zoned districts. Said loading zone, if permitted by the Traffic Engineer, shall have appropriate signage indicating the hours when the loading zone is in effect, that parking is not permitted during those hours and that it is a tow-away zone. Additionally, if the applicant owns/leases property within the Cl -M Zone or any other zone where parking and storage of vehicles is permitted, the applicant shall request from the Planning Board the ability to utilize the second site for loading and unloading of vehicles. The second site shall comply with all Code requirements.
    [Added 4-17-2014 by Ord. No. 69-2014; amended 1-16-2018 by Ord. No. 14-2018]
    Vehicles to be repaired or serviced shall not be parked or stored on any street, alley or public right-of-way.
    [Added 4-17-2014 by Ord. No. 69-2014]
    Service bay doors shall not face residentially zoned districts.
    [Added 4-17-2014 by Ord. No. 69-2014]
    All motor vehicle dealerships shall be subject to an annual inspection by the Building Official or his designee.
    [Added 4-17-2014 by Ord. No. 69-2014]
    In the C-1M General Commercial Modified Zone, accessory uses, excluding parking for employees and customers, shall not occupy more than 30% of the lot area.
    [Added 1-16-2018 by Ord. No. 14-2018]
    Each service bay shall have a minimum of two queuing spaces.
    [Added 1-16-2018 by Ord. No. 14-2018]
Amended 9-16-2003 by Ord. No. 204-2003