§ 331-83. Cabaret Overlay Zone.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Purpose. The Cabaret Overlay Zone is hereby established to improve the function, aesthetics and manageability of this particular land use and to provide the City of New Rochelle with a better method of control and enforcement. The Cabaret Overlay Zone encourages accessory cabaret uses in specific designated areas of the City that are more urban and commercialized and are more appropriate locations for this use while limiting the expansions of such uses to more residential neighborhoods. This overlay zone will limit cabarets to the major commercialized areas and the arterial routes through the City.
    Applicability. The Cabaret Overlay Zone shall be as indicated in the attached map.
    [Amended 10-18-2017 by Ord. No. 203-2017]
    Editor's Note: Said map is on file in the City's offices.
    Any new cabaret use in the overlay zone shall be required to apply for a cabaret special permit from the City Council as stipulated in § 331-113.2.
    Any cabaret use in the overlay zone that abuts a residential district shall have to provide a thirty-foot setback from the property line that abuts such use.
    Any cabaret use in the overlay zone shall show a viable valet parking plan in accordance with § 331-128D and all applicable subsections at the time of site plan approval.
    A security guard shall be required for cabarets as per the Municipal Code, § 120-4, Issuance and renewal of license, Subsection E.
    Cabaret uses shall not be allowed where the underlying zoning is residential.
    [Added 10-18-2017 by Ord. No. 203-2017]
    Editor's Note: Former Subsection E(2), regarding the CDD Commercial Design District, was repealed 10-20-2009 by Ord. No. 199-2009.
Added 9-17-2014 by Ord. No. 124-2014