New Rochelle |
Code of Ordinances |
Part II. General Legislation |
Chapter 331. Zoning |
Article IX. Dimensional and Other Requirements |
§ 331-74.1. LSR-1 - Large Scale Retail District (1).
Latest version.
A.Dimensional requirements.(1)Maximum building height shall be 40 feet in an urban renewal area, otherwise 50 feet, and 100 feet if the property is more than 200 feet from a residential use.(2)Maximum permitted floor area ratio (FAR) shall be 1.0. FAR may be increased to 4.0 if the property is more than 200 feet from a residential use.(3)Maximum permitted lot coverage shall be 95% for all buildings and 100% for all impervious surfaces.B.Signs in the LSR-1 District. Notwithstanding any provision of Chapter 270 of the City Code, in the LSR-1 District, signs for any permitted use in any building or group of buildings operated as a unified, single commercial development may be located on any lot within such unified, single commercial development, regardless of the ownership of such lots.C.Parking in the LSR-1 District. The Planning Board may grant an application for shared parking if it determines that the peak demand for all uses is sufficiently distinct so that there will rarely be an overlap of parking demand.(1)Notwithstanding any provision of this Chapter, in the LSR-1 District, where a building or group of buildings is operated as a unified, single commercial development, up to 1/3 of the required number of parking spaces for any use or uses on any lot on which the development is located may be provided on an adjacent lot on which the development is located, provided that the total number of required parking spaces shall not be reduced thereby, regardless of the ownership of such lots. The continued availability of such parking spaces for the uses served shall be assured by a legal instrument, in form and substance satisfactory to the Corporation Counsel, which shall be recorded in the Westchester County Clerk's office.(2)Parcels with two or more uses. Notwithstanding any provision of this Chapter, in the LSR-1 District, where it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Planning Board that one or more uses in any building or group of buildings operated as a unified, single commercial development will be generating a demand for parking spaces primarily during periods when the other use or uses is not or are not in operation, the Planning Board, upon recommendation by the Commissioner of Development, may reduce the total parking requirement by up to 15% when, in its judgment, it will prevent frequent parking on the street by persons working at or visiting the development.
Added 11-15-2016 by Ord.
No. 244-2016