§ 331-67. PWD-5 Planned Waterfront Development - 5-Story District.  

Latest version.
  • See §§ 331-28B(6) and 331-46 through 331-54. The following standards are hereby established as the minimum/maximum requirements, as the case may be, but may be made more restrictive where such is determined appropriate based upon consideration of the particular circumstances of the individual application to satisfy the purposes as set forth in § 331-28B(6) hereof.
    Dimensional requirements.
    The maximum building height allowed within 300 feet of East Main Street is five stories or 50 feet. The maximum building height allowed beyond 300 feet of East Main Street is three stories or 30 feet.
    The maximum permitted floor area ratio (FAR) is 1.0 for all water-dependent permitted uses. The maximum permitted floor area ratio is .75 for all special permit residential units and nonresidential uses (in the PWD-5 District) as a mixed use. The maximum FAR shall not exceed 1.0.
    Standards for medium-density residential use.
    Minimum lot area per dwelling unit: 3,500 square feet.
    Required off-street parking shall be 1.5 spaces per dwelling unit.
    Standards for nonresidential use.
    Minimum lot size: six acres for office (business, professional and governmental).
    Standards for planned waterfront development.
    Minimum lot size: six acres.
    Design concepts and guidelines.
    That pedestrian access and public uses be encouraged at the water's edge, and obstructions to waterfront access be removed and that view corridors from East Main Street be created and maintained. On properties owned by the City of New Rochelle, preference will be given to development proposals which create unobstructed views from East Main Street to Echo Bay and beyond.
    That a minimum thirty-foot public waterfront walkway be provided at City Yard and the Armory, as well as on any other City owned properties, when redevelopment, relocation, etc., is undertaken.
    That development be visually and acoustically buffered from nearby residential areas.
    That all structures, facilities, and public areas reflect a high-quality level of architectural expression and abundant landscaping be provided in order to achieve attractiveness, quality, and permanence.