It is the policy of both the Municipality and the State of New York
(the "State") to achieve energy efficiency and renewable energy improvements,
reduce greenhouse gas emissions, mitigate the effect of global climate
change, and advance a clean energy economy. The Municipality finds
that it can fulfill this policy by providing property-assessed clean
energy financing to Qualified Property Owners (as defined below) for
the installation of renewable energy systems and energy efficiency
measures. This chapter establishes a program that will allow the Energy
Improvement Corporation (as defined below, "EIC"), a local development
corporation, acting on behalf of the Municipality pursuant to the
municipal agreement (the "Municipal Agreement") to be entered into
between the Municipality and EIC, to make funds available to Qualified
Property Owners that will be repaid through charges on the real properties
benefited by such funds, thereby fulfilling the purposes of this chapter
and accomplishing an important public purpose. This chapter provides
a method of implementing the public policies expressed by, and exercising
the authority provided by, Article 5-L of the General Municipal Law
(as defined below, the "Enabling Act").