A temporary closing order or a temporary restraining
order shall be vacated, upon notice to the Corporation Counsel, if
the defendant shows by affidavit and such other proof as may be submitted
that the nuisance within the scope of this article has been abated.
An order vacating a temporary closing order or a temporary restraining
order shall include a provision authorizing departments of the City
to inspect the building, structure or place which is the subject of
an action pursuant to this chapter, periodically without notice, during
the pendency of the action for the purpose of ascertaining whether
or not the nuisance has been resumed. Intentional disobedience of
or resistance to an inspection provision of an order vacating a temporary
closing order or a temporary restraining order, in addition to any
other punishment prescribed by law, shall be punishable, on conviction,
by a fine of not more than $500 or by imprisonment not exceeding six
months, or by both. The Police Department shall, upon the request
of the department involved or upon the direction of the City Manager,
assist in the enforcement of an inspection provision of an order vacating
a temporary closing order or temporary restraining order.