§ 163-20. Solid waste collection contracts.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Multifamily additional collections solid waste collection contracts.
    In the operation or maintenance of a multifamily building containing three or more dwelling units in any zoning district in the City of New Rochelle, the owner or manager may enter into a additional collections solid waste collection contract with the City for collection of solid waste by the City on one or more days of the week in addition to the Department of Public Works' regularly established pickup schedule for multifamily buildings. Such contract shall include prepayment to the City of the multifamily additional collections solid waste collection fees set forth in Chapter 133, Fees, of the City Code. Such solid waste collection contract shall include the following minimum terms and conditions:
    The term of such services;
    A minimum deposit of three months' prospective additional collection fees:
    The building shall deliver proof of primary liability and property damage insurance in a minimum coverage of $1,000,000 naming the City as additional insured if the City shall be required to enter private property to effect collection from such building during the term of the contract:
    The building shall have an aggressive recycling program already in place with 100% participation by tenants and the owner;
    Schedule for the additional collection(s);
    City refuse collection crews shall not wait for the building to set out materials at the specified location at the scheduled time, but will proceed to the next stop on its additional collections route;
    The multifamily additional collections solid waste collection fee as set forth in Chapter 133, Fees, of the City Code shall be based on hourly rates established for equipment use and salaries. Both the equipment rental rate and the salary hourly rate shall be adjusted annually (salaries as per labor union agreement/benefit packages and vehicle use based on actual costs or predetermined federal or state guidelines).
    Additional collections program participants may set out refuse from their building only;
    The contract shall be terminated by the City prior to the end of its term if solid waste collection fees are not paid within 30 days of billing therefor. Billings for multifamily additional collections solid waste collection fees shall be made by the Commissioner of Finance on a periodic basis of not less than one billing per each calendar quarter during the term of the contract. Bills, if unpaid within 30 days of billing therefor, shall accrue interest at the rate of 2% percent per calendar month or portion thereof computed from the original due date until paid in full. In the event any contract deposit, after deduction of any unpaid bills and interest thereon, remains with the City on the termination of collection from any building, such remaining deposit shall be returned to the building within 30 days of such termination of collection.
    Fees collected in the additional collections program shall be placed in a separate revenue account for payment of Department of Public Works' salaries, equipment repairs, fuel usage etc.
    Residential refuse fees.
    [Added 12-29-2003 by L.L. No. 13-2003]
    Definitions. All terms set forth in this subsection shall have the same meanings as set forth in Chapter 163, Garbage, Rubbish, and Refuse, of the New Rochelle City Code, unless otherwise noted herein.
    Establishment of residential refuse fees. The City Council of the City of New Rochelle ("City") hereby establishes residential refuse fees to defray the cost of collection, transportation, and disposal of solid waste and recyclables from improved real properties containing dwelling units in the City.
    Computation of residential refuse fees. The residential refuse fee for each calendar year for each improved real property containing dwelling units in the City shall be calculated by multiplying the number of dwelling units on each such tax assessment lot, as shown on the most current tax assessment roll and records of the City Assessor, by the per-dwelling-unit residential refuse fee set forth in Chapter 133, Fees, of the City Code. The per-dwelling-unit residential refuse fee may be changed by amending Chapter 133, Fees, of the City Code.
    Billing of residential refuse fees. The residential refuse fee for each improved real property containing dwelling units in the City shall be billed for each calendar year as a separate line item on an annual real property tax bill for each such tax assessment lot.
    Interest on unpaid residential refuse fees. If a residential refuse fee is not timely paid when due, interest shall accrue on such unpaid amount at the rate of 2% per calendar month or portion thereof, computed from the original due date until paid in full, and shall be collected at the time of payment or enforcement of such residential refuse fee.
    Levy of and lien on unpaid residential refuse fees. If a residential refuse fee including accrued interest thereon, is not fully paid on or before November 30 of the calendar year for which originally billed, the unpaid amount shall, pursuant to the procedures set forth in § 120-cc of the General Municipal Law, become a lien as of January 1 of the next succeeding year and shall accrue additional interest, be collected, and be enforced in the same manner and at the same time as provided by law for City taxes due in such next succeeding year.
Last amended 5-16-2017 by Ord. No. 85-2017