§ 31-6. Implementation.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Application. This Policy applies to and shall be incorporated into all City Contracts and into contracts between the City and Developers related to Public-Private Projects. When parties referenced in this Policy engage subcontractors, tenants, and other parties to operate in Public-Private Projects or as participants in fulfillment of City Contracts, this Policy shall be incorporated by reference into relevant contracts as a material term, enforceable by the City as a third-party beneficiary.
    Monitoring. All parties with responsibilities under this Policy agree to provide information requested by the City as necessary to determine compliance with this Policy. Developers, Prime Contractors, and Employers shall provide annual public reports regarding compliance with this Policy. The City shall make available to the public in electronic format all such reports.
    Enforcement. Developers, Construction Contractors, and Employers are subject to liquidated damages in cases of noncompliance with this Policy. The City Manager shall release a schedule of liquidated damages pertaining to particular violations of this Policy. When this Policy is included as a term of a contract, it incorporates by reference the most recently released version of the liquidated damages schedule, and any other Policy clarifications released by the City. Liquidated damages shall be assessed by the City only in cases of sustained, material noncompliance, and after notice and opportunity to correct. Developers, Construction Contractors, and Employers also agree to remedies of specific performance and other contractual or equitable remedies related to compliance with this Policy. The liquidated damages schedule shall contain procedures relating to notice and opportunity to cure, and an appeals process in cases of assessment of liquidated damages. The City Manager may revise the liquidated damages schedule and other Policy clarifications over time, in light of implementation experience, with the goal of fostering successful implementation of this Policy without an adversarial or punitive approach.
    Severability. If any provision of this Policy or any application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid by final judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or application of this Policy, which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Policy are declared to be severable.
Amended 11-21-2017 by Res. No. 229-2017