§ A367-24. Classification plan.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Definitions. For the purpose of this rule, the following definitions shall apply:
    The assignment of a position to an appropriate class as determined by the duties, responsibilities and minimum qualification requirements of the position.
    One or more positions sufficiently similar with respect to duties and responsibilities to be designated by a single descriptive title and treated as a unit for the purpose of recruiting, establishing salary ranges and administering other personnel functions.
    A formal written statement of the class which defines the general character and scope of the duties and responsibilities of positions in the class, lists typical or illustrative examples of work of positions in the class, enumerates the knowledge, skills and abilities required for successful performance of the work and states required minimum experience and training for positions in the class.
    The designation given under these rules to a class and to each position allocated to such class.
    The reallocation of a position from one class to another because of a permanent and material change of the duties of that position.
    The Commission shall prepare and maintain a list of class titles and class specifications for all positions in the classified service of the civil division and shall allocate all such positions to an appropriate class.
    Classification of vacant positions. The appointing officer shall file a prescribed form with the Commission when a classified position which has or is about to become vacant is to be filled. Such form shall contain a detailed description of the duties and responsibilities of the position to be filled and a statement of suggested minimum entrance qualifications for the position. After an analysis of the position description, the Commission shall allocate the position to an appropriate class or, if no appropriate class exists, shall create a new class and prepare a class specification for such position.
    Classification of new positions. The appointing officer shall file a prescribed form with the Commission when a new position is to be created. Such form shall contain a detailed description of the duties and responsibilities of the position to be filled and a statement of suggested minimum entrance qualifications for the position. After an analysis of the position description, the Commission shall allocate the position to an appropriate class, or if no appropriate class exists, shall create a new class and prepare a class specification for such new class.
    Reclassification. The appointing officer shall file a prescribed form with the Commission whenever a permanent and material change is made in the duties and responsibilities of any position. Such form shall clearly describe in detail the changes which have been made in the duties of the position. After an analysis of the changes in the duties and responsibilities of the position, the Commission shall allocate the position to an appropriate class, or if no appropriate class exists, shall create a new class and prepare a class specification for such position.
    Notice and appeals. Any appointing officer may make application for the classification or reclassification of any position in his department, or any employee in the classified service may apply for a reclassification of his position. Such application must set forth reasons in support of the requested reclassification, and must show changes in the duties and responsibilities of the position since the last determination with respect to its classification. The Commission shall give reasonable notice of any proposal or application for a change in classification to the appointing officer and to the employee or employees affected thereby. Any person desiring to submit facts orally or in writing in connection with the reclassification of any position shall be afforded reasonable opportunity to do so. The Commission shall then determine the proper allocation of the position. No employee, either by classification or reclassification, change of title or otherwise, shall be promoted, demoted, transferred, suspended or reinstated except in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Service Law and these rules.
    Editor's Note: Rule XXIV, Grading of Positions, which immediately followed this subsection, was omitted pursuant to request of the community. Current provisions regarding grading of positions are on file in the City Offices.