New Rochelle |
Code of Ordinances |
Appendix |
Chapter A361. Land Development |
Article IV. General Requirements and Design Standards for Subdivisions |
§ A361-15. Streets.
Latest version.
A.The layout, character, extent, width, grade and location of proposed streets shall be established with due regard to:(1)Public convenience and safety.(2)Proposed uses of the land to be served by said streets.(3)Proper relation to and connection with, continuation and projection of streets in the adjacent areas; whether these streets are existing, or proposed in another subdivision, in a neighborhood plan, in the Master Plan or in the Official Map, as approved or adopted by the Board.(4)Topography and other land features.B.The layout of proposed streets shall furthermore be arranged in a manner acceptable to the Board.C.Minor streets shall be laid out so as to discourage their use by through traffic.D.Where a subdivision abuts or contains as existing or proposed arterial street, limited access highway or railroad, the Board may require marginal access or service streets, reverse frontage with screen planting contained in a nonaccess reservation along the rear property line, deep lots with rear service alleys, parks or such other treatment as may be necessary for protection of residential properties and for separation of through and local traffic with due regard for the requirements of future approach grades and grade separations.E.Where a tract of land is subdivided into lots substantially larger than the minimum size required in the zoning district in which a subdivision is located, the Board may require that streets and lots be laid out so as to permit future resubdivision in accordance with the requirements of these regulations.F.Reserve strips controlling access to streets shall be prohibited.G.Certain proposed streets may be required to extend to the boundary line of the subdivision to provide access to tracts which may be subdivided in the future. Wherever necessary, when a street is carried to the boundary line of the subdivision, the Board may require at the stub end a temporary turnaround improved to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and of the size specified in Subsection Q below.H.The creation of dead-end or loop streets and superblocks will be encouraged wherever the Board finds that such layout will not interfere with traffic convenience and safety. The Board shall determine the number of streets in the proposed subdivision connecting with existing streets. At least two connections shall be provided, except where a proposed subdivision only contains one dead-end street.I.Street jogs shall be prohibited. Street intersections shall have center-line offsets of at least 125 feet on center.J.A tangent at least 100 feet long shall be introduced between reverse curves on arterial and collector streets, and may be required on all other streets.K.Street right-of-way lines deflecting from each other at any point shall be connected with a curve, the radius of which for the inner right-of-way lines shall be not less than 750 feet on arterial streets, 300 feet on collector streets and 100 feet on minor streets. The outer right-of-way line on each case shall be parallel to said inner right-of-way.L.Streets shall be laid out so as to intersect at right angles as nearly as possible. The inner right-of-way line of a street intersecting another street at an angle of less than 90º shall be tangent to and follow a curve with a minimum radius of 150 feet centered on the nearest right-of-way line of the intersecting street. The outer right-of-way line shall be parallel to said inner right-of-way line.M.Street right-of-way lines at intersections shall be connected with a curve, the radius of which shall be not less than 25 feet.N.Street right-of-way widths shall be as shown on the Official Map or Master Plan and if not shown thereon, said widths for the various street types shall be not less than as follows:Street TypeRight-of-way(feet)Roadway(feet)Arterial8054Collector6040Minor, for rowhouses and apartments6040Minor, for other residences5030Dead end5030Marginal access5030O.The widths of streets adjacent to areas designed, proposed or zoned for nonresidential use may be increased as deemed necessary by the Board to assure the free flow of through traffic without interference from parked or parking cars, and to provide adequate and safe parking space.P.Half streets shall be prohibited except where essential to the reasonable development of a subdivision in conformity with the requirements of these regulations, and where the Board finds it practicable to require the dedication of the other half when the abutting property is subdivided. Wherever an approved half street is adjacent to a subdivision, the other half of the street shall be platted within said subdivision.Q.Dead-end streets, designed to be so permanently, shall have a maximum length, to be determined by the Commissioner of Development and approved by the Planning Board, and shall be provided at the closed end with a turnaround, the dimensions of which shall be determined by the Commissioner of Development and approved by the Planning Board.R.Street names shall be selected so as not to duplicate or be confused with the names of existing streets. Street names shall be subject to the approval of the Board.S.Street grades, wherever feasible, shall not exceed 5%. Grades of minor streets shall not exceed 10%. Grades shall not exceed 4% for a distance, of 100 feet from any intersection. Wherever the grade of pedestrian walkways exceeds 20%, steps of a design acceptable to the City Engineer shall be required.T.Street grades shall be not less than 1%.U.Changes in street grades shall be connected by vertical curves of a preferred minimum length equal to 40 times the algebraic difference in the rate of grade.